How To: Apply a twisted polka dot art design to your nails

Apply a twisted polka dot art design to your nails

Julie teaches us how to apply a twisted polka dot art design to your nails in this tutorial. you will first need to make sure you have a pink and white nail polish that are quick to dry. Now, paint your nails pink over the entire nail and allow them to dry all the way. After this, grab a white nail polish and paint the top of the nails, like you are creating a French tip on the top, do this to all the nails and allow them to dry. Next, pour some of the white nail polish onto a piece of plastic or wax paper, then grab a toothpick and dip it in. Now, start pushing the toothpick onto the pink area of the nail to make small bubbles. After you do this to all the nails, do the same for the pink nail polish, except putting the bubbles on the white part of the nail. Let these dry, then apply a clear coat and you're finished!

Apply a twisted polka dot art design to your nails

Apply a twisted polka dot art design to your nails Click through to watch this video on

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